South Korean Hyundai Heavy Industries and Indian Hindustan Shipyard (HSL) will build fleet support ships for the Indian Navy in both the nations. The agreement is expected to be inked in mid-2018
Australia has announced US $3.7 million plan to identify non-traditional methods of terrorism funding in Southeast Asia
India is likely to buy 12 ShinMaywas US-2i amphibious aircraft from Japan in a $1.3 billion during Prime Minister Shinzo Abes visit to India later this week
The US does not want rearm South Korea with nuclear weapons to match North. “The US does not support the reintroduction of tactical nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula, although we certainly understand those feelings especially in light of the recent nuclear test (by the North),” Lt
Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) has purchased advanced long-range reconnaissance and observation systems (LORROS) that will be equipped with a thermal imager to strengthen vigilance. The thermal imager can detect the human at a minimum range of 10 kilometers and vehicles at a minimum distance of 20 kilometers
China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy has commissioned its first comprehensive supply ship featuring a 4,800-ton displacement, into service last Friday. A domestically-made vessel Type 901 combat support ship, the Hulunhu (965), will reportedly surpass the Japan Self-Defense Force's integrated supply ship as Asia's largest comprehensive supply ship,
The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has kicked off a new program dubbed Common Heterogeneous Integration and Intellectual Property (IP) Reuse Strategies or CHIPS, to create a modular computing framework by mixing and matching of ‘chiplets. The crux of the program is to develop a new technological framework in which different functionalities and blocks of intellectual property—among them data storage, computation, signal processing, and managing the form and flow of data—can be segregated into small chiplets, which then can be mixed, matched, and combined onto an interposer, somewhat like joining the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle...
US Navy Destroyer, USS Fitzgerald, damaged in a collision with a container ship off the coast of Japan, is to be repaired by Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) for an approximate US$500 million bill. The work will be performed at Huntington's shipyard in Pascagoula, Miss
The US Army is looking to partner with an engineering firm, Aurora Flight Sciences to jointly develop and manufacture high-speed, high-endurance and high-payload capabilities for vertical lift platforms. The engineering firm hosted a visit from U
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI) MQ-9B SkyGuardian has been certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) following its flight through multiple classes of non-segregated airspace. The MQ-9B SkyGuardian Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) flew from Laguna Airfield at Yuma Proving Grounds, Ariz