Airbus Helicopters has completed official delivery of the first two Tiger helicopters in the new HAD-E version and the first NH90 GSPA tactical transport helicopter to the Spanish Army Airmobile Force (FAMET). These three helicopters successfully carried out the industrial phase, airworthiness certification and technical acceptance
QinetiQ has won a contract from the US Army on December 18 to build, refurbish and modernize two TALON IV military robots. The military robots is used extensively in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq
Leidos was awarded a prime contract by U.S
The French Armys Tiger combat helicopter fleet expanded yesterday with Airbus Helicopters delivery of the first two attack helicopters in the HAD Block 2 version, following its qualification by the French General Directorate for Armament on November 21. These two Tigers will join those already in service for the military, which have proven their capabilities during operational deployments in Afghanistan, the Central African Republic, Somalia, Libya and Mali
The Estonian Defence Forces will soon get 44 CV90 infantry vehicles from the Netherlands, approximately valued at EUR100 million. Previously, the largest Estonian defence procurement projects were the purchase of MBDA-made Mistral missiles for about USD84
US and British intelligence agencies have been linked to Regin, a top-tier espionage tool ,indentified by Symantec, that enables stealthy surveillance. Regin was reportedly was used to spy on governments, businesses, researchers and individuals since 2008, Symantec said in its official blog post Monday
The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has acquired a squadron of five F-16 A/Bs from the Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF), a senior PAF service official was quoted as saying by IHS Janes on 19 November. The additional F-16s will be used to supplement the existing F-16 fleet and will be used in counterinsurgency operations along the countrys border with Afghanistan, the officer said
Regin, a top-tier espionage tool that enables stealthy surveillance, was used to spy on governments, businesses, researchers and individuals since 2008, Symantec said in its official blog post today. An advanced piece of malware, known as Regin, has been used in systematic spying campaigns against a range of international targets since at least 2008
Raytheon announced Monday that it has won a $13.5 million Warfighter Field Operations Customer Support (FOCUS) modification contract to add more Afghan pilots to the New Dawn training program
Iran announced Monday that it has successfully flight-tested a copy of a US reconnaissance drone captured in 2011. The RQ-170 Sentinel was downed by Iranian electronic warfare systems, which convinced the aircraft to land in Iran instead of its designated home military base after it entered the countrys airspace from neighboring Afghanistan