The success of Lockheed Martins F-35 fighter in South Korea and its acceptance by several NATO partners could make it the worlds dominant warplane in the coming years. The fifth generation stealth warplane looks set to grab market share from rival 4
AgustaWestland is sueing the U.S
Israeli Laser Homing Anti-Tank Missile (LAHAT) will no longer be fitted on Indias homemade Arjun Mk-2 tank because it does not meet the armys requirement, according to local daily the Hindustan Times. The LAHAT missile did not meet the armys requirements of engaging targets at ranges of less than 1,200 metres
The European Unions decision to impose sanctions against Russias Rostec will likely impact the number of projects its currently involved in with European defense firms. On-going projects include a venture with French company Turbomeca, which is part of the Safran group, for delivery of Ardiden 3G engines
Airbus announced Tuesday plans to sell several subsidiaries from its defence division to focus on its core businesses of space activities, military planes and missiles, according to media reports. "Some business areas are identified as divestment candidates as they do not fit the strategic goals," the company said in a statement, citing budget troubles among key state clients
After cancelling an international tender to procure 197 utility helicopters, the Indian MoD has fallen back on Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to fill the gap with its Light Utility Helicopter (LUH). The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) reported approved a proposal to allow HAL to manufacture 440 light utility helicopters to be supplied to the Army, Navy and Air Force earlier this month
Azerbaijan plans to export 100 unmanned aerial vehicles to one of the NATO countries, Minister of Defense Industry, Yavar Jamalov told media Thursday. Media reports did not specify the NATO country
Lockheed Martin and Boeing will submit a joint bid for the U.S
Having promised to up the defence budget significantly, president-elect Jokowi Widodo may have to take a call on the procurement of fighter aircraft to replace decades-old F-5 Tigers. Outgoing Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro had said earlier this year he wants to ensure the purchase is part of Indonesia's Strategic Plan II 2015 to 2020, Antara news agency reported quoting the minister, “we have received proposals from several jet fighter manufacturers for replacing the F-5 Tiger fighter aircraft"
The Taiwanese navy said that the delivery of two Oliver Hazard Perry-class guided missile frigates from the United States is likely to be delayed. According to local media reports, the delivery has been postponed until 2016 Tuesday