The US and South Korea have jointly considered implementing plan to detect, disrupt and destroy North Korean missiles carrying nuclear as well as biochemical warheads. US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter and South Korean Defense Minister Han Min Koo approved the implementation of a plan if needed; following the raising attack threats of North Korea
Chinese sub-marine launched supersonic missile YJ-18 has made the US Navys operations in South China Sea difficult. According to a new report to the US Congress assessing the missile, the YJ-18 accelerates to supersonic speed just before hitting its target, making it harder for a crew to defend their ship, Bloomberg reported Sunday
The tense relationship between the US and Russia cannot be characterized as a new cold war, even though they have “some vigorous disagreements” over Ukrainia and Syria, the White House stated. "The situation today is much different" as Russia "does not have the same kind of influence around the globe that the Soviet Union once did," said White House spokesman Josh Earnest at the daily briefing yesterday
A Cyber-spy group is reported to have attempted to hack the Dutch Safety Board officials computers tasked with the MH17 air crash investigation. Pawn Storm, a Russian spy group believed to have close connections with the Russian government reportedly targeted the Dutch agency before and after the safety board published their detailed report on the MH17 incident on October 13, 2015, Trend Micro reported on its website October 22
The Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society have lodged a complaint seeking an inquiry of alleged corruption in the sale of Gripen fighter jets to Thailand. According to the SPAS, the agreement between FMV and Thailand for the purchase of Gripen JAS 39 fighters offered scholarships to Thai military officers
Boeing has paid $18 million to settle allegations of overcharging the government for lunch breaks while maintaining USAFs C-17 Globemaster aircraft. Workers at the Long Beach Depot center had wrongly submitted claims of 8-hour work days despite knowing that they spent less time working due to lunch breaks and other extended breaks, USA Today reported Wednesday
The Chinese military has relocated vehicles seized from corrupt military officials to border areas for use by troops there. “As of the end of September, all vehicles found in violation during the anti-graft campaign have been handed to troops stationed in remote border areas under harsh conditions such as Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet,” according to China Military Online, a website owned by the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA)
US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton showed her support for creating a no-fly zone in Syria on Tuesday as leverage to bring Russia to the negotiation table on joining the coalition fighting Islamic State militants. The US should use diplomatic and military leverage to reach agreement with Russia over Syria, Clinton said
The French President Francois Hollande is eyeing to sell new ships to Russia despite canceling Mistral-class helicopter carrier deal. "Things went well with Russia, which has agreed to cancel the contract
The US Army will formally issue a request for proposals for production of Boeing CH-47 Chinook cargo helicopter fleet in a Block 2 configuration by March 2016. At a press briefing at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA), the armys project manager for cargo helicopters, Col