The US Army has awarded BAE Systems a $245 million contract to complete the low-rate initial production (LRIP) of the M109A7 self-propelled howitzer and M992A3 ammunition carrier. “The success of this program is directly attributable to the partnership between the Army and BAE Systems,” said Adam Zarfoss, director of Artillery and Bradley programs at BAE Systems
The Russian Aerospace Force operating against the Islamic State militants in Syria are using the latest Su-25SM3 single-seat ground attack aircraft fitted with Vitebsk-25 EW system. Su-25SM3 is the latest modification of the Su-25 ground attack aircraft
Israeli intelligence officers are tapping into social media sites under a false names to connect with those about to stab, run down or shoot Israelis. Along with the undercover agents in the field, there is a new generation of Israeli “digital HUMINT” officers who are updated on the latest trends among the Arab youth and spread out in the same digital space as the users in the back alleys of Palestinian refugee camps
Air bus Helicopters has delivered the worlds first H145 helicopter in law enforcement configuration to German State Police of Baden-Württemberg. The aircraft is the first of an order of six to be handed over to the launch customer, the company announced today
Lockheed Martin has won a $305.4 million follow-on contract for the production of the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) and its Extended Range (ER) version from the US Air Force
Raytheon has successfully fired two new Pike 40 mm precision-guided munitions from a standard tube grenade launcher during flight tests Tuesday. Both rounds landed within the targeted impact area after flying more than 2,300 yards
Russia is creating a new payload module for its drones to help effectiveness of aerial surveillance and monitoring. “The technology we created can process hyperspectral data streams, leading to the creation of an “all-seeing eye” that allows our drones to look beyond the usual boundaries of the human eyes electromagnetic spectrum,” said Sergey Skokov, Deputy CEO of United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation (UIMC)
The US Air Force has cleared the design review of Lockheed Martins Space Fence System that includes large-scale digital radar and turn-key facility. The Space Fence S-band radar system design will detect, track, and catalog orbital objects in space more than 1
Airbus Helicopters has delivered 15th NH90 NFH multimission naval helicopter to the French Navy today. The aircraft is the first to be delivered in the final radar configuration (FRC) in a ceremony that held today in an airbus Helicopters' facility
Lockheed Martin has won a contract frojm the UK ministry of defense to support Desert Hawk 3 programme and establish the small unmanned aerial system (UAS) as a Core Defence Capability. "Desert Hawk has served the UK military well in providing intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance to tactical warfighters,"said Jay McConville, Lockheed Martin director of business development for Unmanned Solutions