The U.S
The U.S
The U.S
The U.S
Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport aircraft for the first time refueled the U.S
The U.S
The Russian military claimed to have seized a fully-operational Ukrainian T-64 tank that were upgraded under NATO standards near Chernigov. The equipment is being examined by Russian military specialists
The U.S
Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) announced today that the companys Newport News Shipbuilding division completed the first planned incremental availability (PIA) for the U.S
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Researchers, under the ReVector program aim to use modulated human skin microbiomes to prevent biting by common disease vector. A report by DARPA stated that ReVector seeks to develop topical formulations that could be applied shortly before a mission with minimal equipment or training, and last for at least two weeks without reapplication, offering improved, sustained protection against disease vectors