Hungary yesterday announced plans to sell its old Soviet-made tanks and fighter planes, saying they were in “very good condition” but expensive to maintain. Zoltan Borbiro, state secretary for the defense ministry, said MIG 29 fighter jets and T-72 tanks, military equipment and clothing would all be up for sale later this year
Iraq will take delivery of 10 Mi-28NE ‘Night Hunter attack helicopters from Russian under a multi-billion dollar agreement. The $4
Beechcraft Corporation today announced that it has been awarded a 28-month contract extension for contractor logistics support for the Iraq Air Force King Air fleet at the Paris Air show. The Beechcraft Special Mission King Air 350ER platform was selected by the Iraq Air Force in 2006 and the company delivered six King Air 350 aircraft (five King Air 350ER and one King Air 350) via a Foreign Military Sale in 2007 and 2008
BAE Systems announced significant developments on two survivability technology contracts. First, the company completed initial deliveries of its Common Infrared Countermeasure (CIRCM) systems to support contractor-led testing activities, with all CIRCM units being delivered ahead of schedule and some even as early as three months in advance
Today during the Paris Air Show, Beechcraft Defense Company said that it expects the growth in international defensebudgets to lead to demand for its trainer and light attack aircraft. Although most Western nations saw defense cuts in 2012, military spending rose by 7
Boeing and partner Bell continue to make headway with the export of their V-22 Osprey aircraft right after U.S Secretary of State Chuck Hagel last month negotiated a deal with Israel to sell the first ever V-22 Osprey transports to a foreign country
Raytheon has been awarded a $80.5 million contract with the U
Russia plans to start fulfilling its arms exports contract with Iraq upon receiving an advance payment, Russian Technologies CEO Sergei Chemezov announced. “The contract is being implemented, the production [of ordered equipment] has started,” Chemezov told RIA Novosti at the opening ceremony of a Russian grenade-launcher assembly facility in Jordan on Thursday
A day after Chinese hackers took the rap for a cyber attack against Australia and stealing designs for a new spy HQ, Australias Prime Minister Julia Gillard called the reports “inaccurate”. Gillards statement further strengthens Chinas consistent denials of any state-sponsored hacking against the West
Iraq's Central Criminal Court has recommenced a probe into officials suspected of corruption in a $4.2 billion deal to purchase Russian weapons, according to a senior Iraqi official