WASHINGTON --- Four people nominated to serve in the Defense Department in President-elect Barack Obamas administration will appear before the Senate Armed Forces Committee on Jan. 15 for confirmation hearings, Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said today
Pursuant to Section 9010 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act for 2008, the Department of Defense released to Congress yesterday the Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq - December 2008 quarterly report.>> The entire report can be viewed at: http://www
NEWTOWN, Conn. --- As Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-present) continues to demonstrate, the man-portable anti-armor weapon remains a particularly significant asset on the modern asymmetric battlefield
On September 17, 2008, the United States District Court of the Southern District of Florida unsealed a federal grand jury indictment against sixteen foreign individuals and companies involved in procuring items with military applications for Iranian entities through Dubai and Malaysia-based trade networks.>> Those under indictment allegedly violated U
WASHINGTON --- Army officials are creating a new way to field force-protection products, such as mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicles, to speed their delivery to deployed soldiers in Iraq.>> As equipment comes available, its shipped to Iraq immediately and tested to see how it incorporates with the mission, officials said
ST. LOUIS --- Boeing announced today that its Integrated Defense Systems Training Systems and Services organization has completed a six-year U
WASHINGTON --- President-elect Barack Obama today announced his choices for four key Defense Department positions: deputy defense secretary, two undersecretary positions and general counsel.>> William J
What amount of budgetary resources might be needed in the long term to carry out the Bush Administrations current plans for defense? This Congressional Budget Office (CBO) paperprepared at the request of the Chairman and the Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committeeaddresses that question.>> />> In CBOs projection of DoDs current plans, defense resources average about $549 billion annually (in 2009 dollars) from 2014 to 2026, or about 6 percent more than the $517 billion in total obligational authority (TOA) requested by the Administration and the $515 billion in TOA provided by the Congress for 2009
HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. --- Officials of the Electronic Systems Center delivered the 20,000th Combat Survivor Evader Locator radio to operators in the fall of 2008, and now are on track to deliver an additional 20,000 to warfighters