Indian Defense Minister, Manohar Parrikar on Tuesday made it clear to the French Government that there would be no compromise on the costs and Request For Proposal (RFP) of the purchase of Dassault Rafale Multi Medium Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA). “We have conveyed our stand to them very clearly
Indian Ordnance Factory Board (OFB), the collection of government owned factories which manufactures ammunition, weapons and vehicles, could be turned into one or more corporate entities. The move is expected to ensure better accountability, higher production and profitability
Swedish industry figures have urged the government to uphold the cooperation with Saudi Arabia. In an opinion piece published Friday by newspaper Dagens Nyheter, 31 prominent representatives of Swedish industry argued that terminating the deal would jeopardise Swedens reputation as a serious trading partner
The German Parliament, has reportedly approved the purchase of 18 Airbus Sea Lion Helicopters, a variant of the NH90 to the Bundeswehr by Airbus. The Bundestags budget committee on March 4 approved the procurement of 18 Sea Lion naval variants of the NH90 helicopter for about 1
The Indian MoD has formulated a Defence Export Strategy and also a Standard Operating Procedure for issuing ‘No Objection Certificate (NOC) for export of ‘military stores. Since 2008, the directorate general of foreign trade has empowered the department of defence production to issue the NOC
The Indian Government has so far issued 251 Letters of Intents and industrial licences covering 150 companies till January 2015 for manufacture of defence equipment to public, private companies. 49 license companies covering 72 licenses have so far reported commencement of production, defence minister Manohar Parrikar told Indian parliament today The following major steps have been taken for domestic manufacture of defence equipments: FDI Policy in Defence sector has been reviewed and as per the new policy, composite foreign investment up to 49% has been allowed through FIPB route and beyond 49% with the approval of Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) wherever it...
Turkey will make long-range missiles compatible with the NATO's systems, Presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said on Monday. NATO member Turkey chose China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corp as a preferred bidder in 2013 to supply the missile system, prompting Western concern about security and the compatibility of the weaponry with NATO infrastructure
The wreckage of an armed drone was found in northeast Nigeria on Tuesday, closely resembling the Chinese drone. According to War Is Boring, pictures of the wreckage was posted on Twitter showing an unmanned combat aerial vehicle that resembles the CH-3 drone made by the China
Netherlands Defense Minister Jeanine Hennis Plasschaert announced in the parliament last week that Netherlands will be selling three used Bell AB-412 search and rescue (SAR) helicopters to Peru. The contract, which is expected to be signed at the end of January, includes spare parts, testing equipment and special tools
The Iraqi government has offered to barter oil for weapons as the country is in need of arms due to the ongoing war with IS militants as well as is facing a budget constraint. Paying for oil with weapons and arms is the latest move by the government to save hard cash and meet a massive budget deficit caused by plummeting oil prices, according to the local daily Azzaman