Russia will start construction of Turkey's first nuclear plant Akkuyu in 2018 once it finalises all necessary licenses and permits by this year end. Contracting parties are working to obtain the last of the licenses for Akkuyu, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak told Anadolu Agency Sunday
US based General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems' 10 mega joule medium-range multi-mission railgun is ready for testing. Meant for ship, land and mobile platforms the railgun will be tested at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah, USA, the company said Wednesday without specifying the test date
The Indian government is set to roll-out the process for US$ 9.3 billion (INR 60,000 crore) submarine programme for its navy, to bolster military presence in Indian Ocean region
Indias defence ministry has prepared its roadmap for the selection of private sector companies for military production orders, with a procedure spelt out in a new policy. The ministry will unveil the elaborate procedure in a new policy soon, the
Indonesia has said it is 'not ready yet' to take up Russian offer to set up nuclear power plants on turnkey basis. "We have told them that we are not ready yet
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has signed contracts worth almost $2 billion for supply of medium range surface to air missiles (MRSAM) and missile defence systems to the Indian Army. “In a mega-contract worth over $1
Fresh satellite imagery shows that North Korea has apparently restarted its plutonium-producing nuclear reactor. "Imagery from January 22 shows a water plume (most probably warm) originating from the cooling water outlet of the reactor, an indication that the reactor is very likely operating," the website 38 North said in a report
Greece has received the first three Boeing CH-47 Chinook transport helicopters following an agreement with the United States signed earlier this year. The parts of the choppers arrived Friday from the US to Piraeus port on the Endurance ship, owned by American company ARC
US Marines is expecting to achieve initial operation capability by 2024 of its 'mega drone' that can carry same amount of weapons as an F-35. US Marines are looking to obtain a ‘mega-drone that will be able to launch from land or sea, and carry the same amount of weapons as an F-35
US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is aiming to develop a software‐configurable array that enables simultaneous and distinct imaging modes in different readout integrated circuits. “What we are aiming for,” said Jay Lewis, program manager for Reconfigurable Imaging (ReImagine), “is a single, multi-talented camera sensor that can detect visual scenes as familiar still and video imagers do, but that also can adapt and change their personality and effectively morph into the type of imager that provides the most useful information for a given situation