iRobot has won a $9.6 million contract for the delivery of 20 iRobot 510 PackBot CBRN Recce Systems to Canadian Department of National Defence (DND)
Lockheed Martin, in collaboration with the U.S
Japan has adopted a new strategy which calls for collaboration with other nations in procurement of weaponry and improved capability to monitor and defend the nations outlying regions, according to Asahi Shimbum website. The previous basic policy, set in 1970, stipulated the Self-Defense Forces to use arms developed by Japanese companies to boost domestic defense contractors
Russia's fifth-generation submarines will be armed with military robots, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy told Ria Novosti today. "The combat capabilities of the multipurpose nuclear and conventional submarines will be improved in the future through integration of promising robotic systems into their weaponry," admiral Viktor Chirkov was quoted as saying
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has launched a special robot to gather intelligence in underground areas. In addition, the forces are planning to deploy another vehicle which will scan enemy territory before Israeli forces even enter the field
The Pentagon has ordered hundreds more FirstLook robots, a 5.2-pound, lightweight transportable robot, iRobot officials were quoted as saying by DefenseTech
Israeli Army's Kfir Infantry Brigade is all set to undergo underground training with sophisticated robots and elite Special Forces. The soldiers are constantly training to protect Israel from the air, at sea, on land and, just as importantly, beneath the Earths surface
India is working to develop robotic soldiers as part of efforts to boost unmanned fighting capabilities, joining a select group of countries in this endeavour, according to the Press Trust of India. Under the project being undertaken by DRDO, robots would be developed with very high level of intelligence to enable them to differentiate between a threat and a friend
Militaries across the globe have begun implementing the use of robots for various military and naval activities. From autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) to ground robots everybody wants a piece of the action
Israel based ROBOTEAM, an advanced, multi-purpose robotic solutions provider will present its innovative easy-to-operate and technologically superior robots at the AUSA Annual Meeting, October 22-24 in Washington. ROBOTEAM will showcase the MTGR – Micro Tactical Ground Robot, which is designed for intelligence gathering