Saab has received an order worth SEK147 million from the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) to modify and upgrade two Swedish Navy Koster-class mine countermeasures vessels (MCMVs). Saab will upgrade and modify of two of Swedens Koster-class MCMVs
France tested a M51 strategic ballistic missile by a nuclear-powered submarine, Triumphant early Friday morning. The missile was monitored throughout its flight phase from the test center of the Directorate General of Armaments (DGA), including the test and telemetry ship “Monge”,
Russia becomes the first of 34 signatories of the Open Skies Treaty which will be using digital video cameras on surveillance flights. The digital surveillance hardware equipment will be equipped to Tupolev Tu-154 Lk-1 and Antonov An-30B used on surveillance missions under the treaty has been certified, the Russian Defense Ministrys press office was quoted as saying in a statement by Russian Aviation
South Korea, the United States and Japan will carry out their first-ever joint missile defense exercise in Hawaii, Wednesday, to deal more effectively with North Korea's growing nuclear and ballistic missile threats, the Souths Ministry of National Defense said Tuesday. The trilateral missile defense exercise will take place on the side-lines of the Rim of the Pacific Exercise, or RIMPAC, the world's largest U
South Korean Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) has inked 18.1 billion won (US$15
India has been officially declared as a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and will be entitled to ‘full participation in organizational activities. “As all formal procedures for membership have now been finalised, the Chairman of the joint Netherlands-Luxembourg Chairmanship of the Missile Technology Control Regime, Ambassador Piet de Klerk (NL), in close consultation with the French MTCR Point of Contact, is pleased to announce today that the Republic of India now formally is the 35th member of the Regime,” said an official statement issued by the Chair of the MTCR from The Hague, Netherlands
North Korea claimed on Thursday to have conducted a successful test-firing of an intermediate-range missile. CNN reported citing a report by the countrys military state government-run news agency that the country fired a Hwasong-10 -- also known as a Musudan -- and that it landed accurately in waters about 400 kilometers (249 miles) down range
North Korea has test fired two midrange ballistic missiles in defiance of UN sanctions. Two launches from the east coast of the city of Wonsan took place at 4:56 PM ET and 7:03 PM
Russian Air and Missile Defense force has launched a short range ballistic missile interceptor Tuesday. "The purpose of the launch was to prove the characteristics of the missile defense systems antimissiles in service with the Russian Aerospace Force [RusAF]," Defense Ministrys press office told journalists
The third Borey class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, Vladimir Monomakh, will join the Russian Navy Pacific Fleet by this year-end. The Vladimir Monomakh Borey class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (Project 955) will complete the voyage to the Pacific Fleet before the yearend, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Admiral Vladimir Korolev told TASS on Saturday