Norway and Australia have signed a deal to develop a Radio Frequency (RF)-seeking capability for the Joint Strike Missile (JSM), which is planned to be integrated onto Norway's F-35. Under the agreement signed on September 15, Australia will finance part of the development of the new seeker capability
Airbus helicopters has offered a new design for Japans 150 UH-X Utility Military Helicopter development program. The new design will not be based on its H160 and would be designed for UH-X requirements although Japan has opted for Fuji Heavy Industries and Bell Helicopter for the development of UH-1 replacement for its Ground Self-Defense Force after rejecting Airbus bid with Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Cubic Corp has won a $20 million contract for its Instrumentable-Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System Individual Weapon Systems (I-MILES IWS) for the US Armys Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI). I-MILES IWS is integral to the quality of home-station training as it offers improvements to realism during training
South Korea will host a defense exhibition, ADEX 2015, next month to showcase worldwide high-tech weapons, including the US Global Hawk surveillance aircraft. The Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition that starts on October 20 will run for six days
BAE Systems will display a 360 degree viewing system for armored vehicles, BattleView 360, at the DSEI exhibition in London this week. The company announced today that it has used fighter jet technology to create a situational awareness system that allows armored vehicle crews to ‘see through their vehicles in real time
MBDA has won a $462 million contract to sustain air to air missile that is being used by Typhoon jets of Royal Air Force. Under the eight-year contract, MBDA (UK) will design and build the new variant of their Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile (ASRAAM) missile, incorporating updated sub-systems into the current ASRAAM design
Although the overall German small weapons trade has decreased steadily falling by 42 per cent than previous year, the small arms and ammunition exports to Arab nations has increased 32 folds during the same period. With the German ammunition sales have been increasing, it is rather unclear about what the trend might represent
India is likely to commit 10 Mi-17 V5 helicopters for VVIP duty from its recent decision to order 48 more choppers from Russia. The 10 choppers will be configured for VVIP flights with changes to the interiors, communication and defensive systems
Poland may join Norway or the Netherlands to buy submarines instead of buying them alone to cut costs. Polish ministry of defense had plans of buying three submarines at an estimated cost of US $2 billion at the start of the year
The US Air Forces Long Range Strike Bomber (LRS-B) will fly at subsonic speeds over an extensive range and carry a variety of munitions including nuclear weapons. Details of the LRS-B program, intended to yield 80 to 100 strategic bombers to replace aging B-52s and B-1s, beginning in the mid-2020s were revealed in a Congressional Research Service (CRS) report released on September 1