Russia’s New Small Arms, Sniper Rifles, Grenade launchers and Bullet-Proof Vests at ARMY 2023

  • By Bureau
  • 01:36 PM, August 26, 2023
  • 1792

Rosoboronexport presentation at Army 2023

One of the exhibits that we have today in our pavilion at Army 2023 is called the SR.1M ARMOR-PIERING PISTOL. It can tear through 1.4 millimeter armor plate or 30 layers of Kevlar at a distance is up to 50 meters.

A slightly larger weapon for the same task, is the SR1 M is SR 2 F, which is a submachine gun with the same 9/ 29 millimeter caliber. It's a special caliber which will pierce four millimeter armor plate at the distances of 200 meters. It can be equipped with a 22 to 30 magazine on 9/21 round. It has a foldable shoulder stock and a tactical grip.

At the Kalashnikov firing range, you can get acquainted to the PPK 20, 9 by 19 millimeter submachine gun, which is a totally modern development for special forces use. But apart from that, you can get acquainted with a SHAK-12 automatic assault complex.

What's so special about the SHAK-12. From the name, you can understand that it has a caliber of 12.7 by 55 millimeter, which means a large caliber bullet to be shot at the distances of 100 to 300 meters with extreme power due to pop up action braid.

Apart from the automatic and assault rifle complexes, we have the grenade launches presented in our pavilion today, such as GM 94 or the AJS 30 in our high precision weapons firing range. Moreover, we have brand new sniper rifles such as Raptor. But any sniper rifle, any long range shooting needs a special tactical optical device to guide the shot to its target.

We produce target designators, night vision scopes , night vision goggles, thermal vision optics and many others.

Russian manufacturers, create a special purpose armor protection. What's so special about our armor? We have a special standard which is not equal to the western ones.