Lockheed Martin has won a $50 million contract to provide AN/AAQ-30A Target Sight Systems (TSS) to Bahrain and Czech Republic. This modification adds scope for the production and delivery of...
The U.S
Lockheed Martins Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP) just successfully completed ground and flight testing, clearing the way for FA-50 airworthiness certification. The tests resulted in a successful long-range guided munition hit...
Lockheed Martin has won a contract valued $255 million to support U.A
Lockheed Martin has won a deal worth $731 million to support Aegis combat systems used by Japan, South Korea, Australia, Canada, Norway and Spain. The contract covers provision of engineering and...
Boeing has won a contract valued $22 million for Saudi F-15S to F-15SA (Eagle Fighters) aircraft conversion support. This contract provides support for the conversion of the Royal Saudi Air Force...
Lockheed Martin was today awarded $4.934 billion to build three Next Generation Geosynchronous (NGG) Earth orbiting space vehicles (SV)
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India’s Ministry of Defence has signed a $248 million contract with Russia’s Rosoboronexport to procure 1,000-horsepower (HP) engines for upgrading the Indian Army's T-72 tanks
Sweden will station Jas 39 Gripen fighter aircraft in Poland
Denmark has signed an agreement with Norway to acquire Naval Strike Missiles (NSM) for its Navy frigates, replacing U
Denmark to Replace U.S.-Made Harpoon Missiles with Norwegian Ones for Its Frigates
Indonesian Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin met with Iran’s Ambassador to Indonesia, Mohammad Boroujerdi, on March 5 to discuss strengthening defense cooperation, including drone production and technology transfer
Russia transferred $23 million to Syria’s central bank in February to maintain its military bases in Tartus and Latakia