Rafael Advanced Defense Systems is a defense company specializing in developing weapons and military technologies for air, land, sea, space, and cyber defense solutions.
Romanias Ministry of Defense has chosen communications solution developed by Israeli firm RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems for its naval ships. The company did not reveal which ships will be equipped with...
South Korea is planning to acquire Israel-made Sky Spotter drone detection system, following an incident in December when five North Korean drones penetrated the countrys airspace and flew undetected for...
The SPYDER air defense system designed by Israeli firm Rafael is now enhanced with a sophisticated Counter-TBM (tactical ballistic missiles) capability. The introduction of this feature is the product of RAFAELs...
The Philippine Navy has commissioned first two FAIC-M/SHALDAG MK5 vessels built by Israel Shipyards Ltd. These vessels serve as the first fully-integrated vessels with RAFAEL naval combat suite out of a...
Finlands Ministry of Defence authorised the Defence Forces to order SPIKE SR, LR2 and ER2 missile systems from Israeli firm Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. The overall value of the procurement,...
Kalyani Rafael Advanced Systems Pvt Ltd (KRAS) rolled out the 100th Medium Range Surface to Air Missile Kit for the Indian Armed Forces on Tuesday. The kit is part of the...
RAFAEL has won a contract to supply its TYPHOON Mk30-C, counter-UAS, Next Generation Naval Remote Weapon Station (NRWS) to an undisclosed navy in Asia. The contract is worth tens of millions...
Lockheed Martin and Israeli company, Rafael have agreed to jointly develop and manufacture a ground-based High Energy Laser Weapon Systems (HELWS) for use against rockets, UAVs and mortars.The future joint-development...
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The United Engine Corporation (UEC) of Russia received a type certificate for the VK-650V aircraft engine for light helicopters up to 4 tons paving the way for its use in the Ansat and Ka-226T helicopters
The Netherlands has signed contracts for the purchase of eight Pilatus PC-7 MKX training aircraft and four flight simulators to replace the aging Pilatus PC-7 fleet
The French General Directorate for Armaments (DGA) signed a seven-year framework agreement with KNDS France and Safran Electronics & Defense on December 30 to develop technologies for land-based robotics under the