Bell Boeing To Sign Export Orders For Osprey Tiltrotors

  • Our Bureau
  • 12:15 PM, February 13, 2014
  • 4216

Bell Boeing is pursuring MV-22 Osprey tiltrotors’ export orders with production capability beginning next year, according to AIN Online.  

At the Singapore Airshow 2014, three Bell Boeing MV-22 Osprey tiltrotors were descended to highlight the its  significant capabilities, which combine the speed and range of a fixed-wing aircraft with the mobility and no-runway operations of a helicopter.

At present, US requirements have a total of 360 MV-22s for the Marine Corps (238 delivered to date), 50 CV-22s for the U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command (34 delivered), under the first multi-year procurement contract.

The US Navy will receive 48 CV-22s under the yet-to-be-signed third multi-year contract. Production at the moment is in the last year of the first multi-year contract, according to the report.

The second multi-year contract from 2015 to 2019 is set to deliver 100 aircraft (93 MV-22s and seven CV-22s) to US forces. This is a VIQ (variation in quantity) contract, which leaves spare production capacity for export sales under an already contracted pricing structure. Israel has ordered the type and Japan has budgeted to acquire 17. The un-contracted MYP III is likely to include the final 22 aircraft needed to meet the full Marines requirements.

Meanwhile, Bell Boeing and the current users are examining future applications for the Osprey to take advantage of the type’s capabilities. According to the report, one role being given consideration is that of a gunship, a project being managed by U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command.

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V-22 Osprey Debuted At Singapore Airshow 2014

February 12, 2014 @ 11:00 AM