Brazil To Build First Aircraft Carrier By 2020

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:51 AM, March 12, 2014
  • 4782
Brazil To Build First Aircraft Carrier By 2020
Brazil To Build First Aircraft Carrier By 2020

Brazilian Defense Minister Celso Amorim on Wednesday announced plans to build the country’s first aircraft carrier to replace its aging models as part of a modernization program.

The program has included orders for submarines, helicopters and supersonic aircraft via technology transfer agreements with the proviso that the hardware is made in Brazil.

"We are starting to think about a new aircraft carrier," Amorim was quoted as saying, adding it was likely the new vessel was at least 15 years away.

"Our idea is for it to be built in Brazil, probably based on an existing blueprint... in the context of a technology transfer" in cooperation with a foreign firm, Amorim added.

Brazil commissioned its only current aircraft carrier, the Clemenceau class State of Sao Paulo, in 2000, though the French initially launched the vessel back in 1960, according to ASD News.

In December, Brasilia agreed to purchase 36 Gripen NG fighter jets from Swedish firm Saab with Amorim stressing the Swedish-Brazilian nature of that project through a "real technology transfer."

Amorim said he would visit Sweden in early April to "discuss the details" of that contract, valued at a reported $4.5 billion, and also to determine if the Swedes can lend some Gripen until those from the deal are delivered from 2018, the report added.

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