Selex will discontinue participation in SISTRI program after termination of the contract in November.
Selex Service Management, a Finmeccanica Selex ES company informed the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Territory and Sea, of its intention to discontinue its participation in the SISTRI program.
The program involves integrated design, management and maintenance program for the security and traceability of waste – beyond the 30 November, when the contract expires.
In a letter sent to Minister Gian Luca Galletti on 21 July, the company explained that this decision was to prevent further sizable damages beyond those already endured.
The company stated its willingness to manage the SISTRI program until the contract expires, albeit offering limited services, in order to minimize the costs and damages it might incur while still allowing the Ministry – customer of Selex Service.
Interventions in the SISTRI program without consulting the company have led to contractual imbalance. Additional costs sustained due to changes in legislation and requests by the ministry, pending invoices, delays in implementation of the program are some reasons stated by Selex for discontinuation after the contract is terminated.