RADA's MHR Radar Proves Operational Capability During Israel's Gaza Operation

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:44 AM, September 10, 2014
  • 3970
RADA's MHR Radar Proves Operational Capability During Israel's Gaza Operation
RADA's MHR Radar System

RADA announced the successful operational debut of its MHR Radar System (Multi-Mission Hemispheric Radar) during the recent Gaza conflict (Operation “Protective Edge”).

The system's significant operational contribution includes the detection of enemy mortar shells, short-range rockets, and UAVs. 

RADA’s MHR Radar System was deployed on the border between Israel and Gaza in the summer of 2013, with additional MHR systems deployed in the vicinity of the Gaza Strip during Operation Protective Edge. During the conflict, the radars were linked to the national central early-warning system, and assisted in the detection of mortar shells, short-range rockets, and UAVs.

The MHR - an S-Band, Software-Defined, Pulse-Doppler, AESA radar - is a GaN-based digital radar platform. It introduces sophisticated beam-forming capabilities and advanced signal processing. Providing multiple missions on each radar platform, the system can combine C-UAS and C-RAM operational missions on the same radar, thus delivering ideal organic, tactical surveillance and alert solutions for the maneuver force and border protection.

According to Zvi Alon, RADA's CEO, "One of the most challenging aspects of modern warfare is the handling of threats emerging at short distances - whether mortars or UAVs. The close proximity of the threat requires identification and warning in the shortest possible time - which is precisely what our radars do. In addition, they are portable, very easy to operate, flexible, modular, and allow missions to be modified as needed."

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