Thailand Hardsells Martial Law to Tourists

  • Our Bureau
  • 10:12 AM, October 16, 2014
  • 6001
Thailand Hardsells Martial Law to Tourists
'Enjoy Thailand 24 Hours’ Amid Martial Law

The Thai Tourism Authority has come up with a new campaign, ‘Enjoy Thailand 24 Hours’ to encourage foreigners to visit the country, Bernama News Agency reported Today.

Tourists can travel all over Thailand 24 hours with their safety ensured at all times, Thai Tourism Authority governor, Thawatchai Arunyik was quoted as saying by Vietnam News Agency (VNA).

"The martial law is beneficial to tourism because it ensures that overseas tourists can be safe 24 hours a day," he said.

The nationwide martial law was imposed on May 20 two days before the junta seized power.

Foreign arrivals in the first nine months of this year declined 10.28 percent to 17.5 million from the same period last year.

However, the Tourism and Sports Ministry has expressed confidence that the number of foreign visitors will increase by year end thanks to improved tourist confidence due to a stable political atmosphere.

Thailand expects to receive some 24.9 million foreign arrivals this year with 1.8 trillion THB (US$55.46 billion/RM181.35 million) in tourism revenue.

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