Tor, CSpace And ZRTP Are Your Passport To Anonymity

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:27 AM, January 2, 2015
  • 7368
Tor, CSpace And ZRTP Are Your Passport To Anonymity

A leaked NSA documents has defined three technologies to keep an individual’s anonymity intact, according to the German magazine Der Spiegel.

The combination of three technologies - Tor, CSpace and ZRTP is considered "catastrophic" by NSA, meaning the person can keep its line of activities a secret from the organization, according to NSA documents newly obtained from the archive of former contractor Edward Snowden.

"Although the documents are around two years old, experts consider it unlikely the agency's digital spies have made much progress in cracking these technologies," the magazine reports.

In comparison, accessing somebody's Facebook messages is considered a "minor" task for the agency. Similarly, virtual private networks (or VPNs), which are widely used by companies, are easily accessed by the NSA, the report says, as are so-called "HTTPS" connections.

Tor is basically a network that offers an easy way for people to mask their location when communicating online. Tor's web browser download is available on Mac, Windows, Linux, and smartphones, by ditching the convenience of browser plugins, torrent downloads, and websites that don't use "HTTPS encryption".

And one can mask its online habits by adding CSpace and ZRTP, according to Der Spiegel.

CSpace is a program that lets people text chat and transfer files, while ZRTP is a form of encryption that protects mobile phone calls and texting -- it's used in apps like RedPhone and Signal.

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