Exelis Wins US On-The-Move Network Distribution Contract

  • Our Bureau
  • 08:17 AM, February 24, 2015
  • 3675

Exelis has a won a $7.6 million Global Network on the Move-Active Distribution (GNOMAD) systems contract from ADS on behalf of US Department of Defense and Defense Logistics Agency’s (DLA) support program, the company said in a statement Tuesday.

The systems will be used for undisclosed worldwide deployments.

GNOMAD system provides a broadband, satellite communication (SATCOM) on-the-move (SOTM) networked command and control connectivity. With GNOMAD, Exelis delivers a combat-proven, modular communications system that fully integrates into a variety of armored combat vehicles, commercial SUVs, and military platforms of all descriptions.

GNOMAD is based on an open system architecture, using low profile antennae designs, in a reduced size, weight and power profile. The system has previously supported deployed U.S. Army units and the Department of Homeland Security during critical domestic emergency response missions.

The delivery of GNOMAD systems includes ground station satellite hubs, training and installation services and the ability to leverage commercial Ku satellite services and, once certified, X Band satellite services on the DoD Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) Constellation. The SR300X is beginning WGS certification and the SR-300Ka will be available to begin WGS certification in the spring of 2015. At only 28 pounds, the SR-300 series antenna can be removed and replaced in less than 10 minutes providing increased flexibility on the battlefield.

"GNOMAD is a command and control on-the-move solution ideal for the difficult communications environment that Army units operate in daily while deployed," said Nick Bobay, president of the Exelis Night Vision and Communications Solutions division.

Production for this contract will be accomplished at the Exelis facility in Fort Wayne, Indiana, with deliveries completed by March 2015.

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