Saab To Upgrade Norwegian ARTillery HUnting Radar (Arthur)

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:58 AM, April 8, 2015
  • 4844

Saab announced today that it has received an order from the Norwegian Defense Logistic Organization (NDLO) for a prototype of Mid-Life Upgrade of Arthur weapon-location radar system.

The order amounts to approximately $13 million (SEK115 million). Arthur (ARTillery HUnting Radar) is a radar system that locates enemy artillery fire and determines the weapon position with high accuracy. The Norwegian Army took Arthur into service in 1999 integrated on a Hägglunds BV-206 tracked vehicle designed to support light infantry brigades.

The recent order includes upgrading the sensor to Saab’s current production version of Arthur (ModC), development of new Command, Control and Communication functions and integration in a new 10ft container. The container has ISO corners for easy and flexible use on many vehicle types. The Norwegian Army will use M113F4 Armoured Tracked Vehicle as the main carrier for Arthur.

The sensor upgrade will significantly improve the detection range and accuracy, increase the operational flexibility and provide mobility and protection in a highly mobile manoeuvre warfare environment. Delivery will take place in 2017.

The contract is signed between Saab Technologies Norway AS and NDLO. The development and production of this prototype will be done at Saab in Halden, Norway, and Gothenburg, Sweden.

Arthur is a combat proven Weapon Locating System used by many customers around the world in addition to Norway, including Sweden, United Kingdom, Greece, the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Republic of Korea and others.

The operational use of the system range from Counter Battery Operations and Fire Control of own artillery weapons to providing protection of own forces and civilians by suppressing enemy artillery weapons and/or provide warning for incoming fire. The latter is especially valuable in Peace Support Operations.

Arthur utilizes a passive phased-array antenna technology for optimized performance in an electronic warfare environment. The well proven technology provides the best balance between mobility, range, accuracy, Electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM), operational availability and life-cycle cost.

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