Track24 Defence Launches Military Consignment Tracking Solution

  • Our Bureau
  • 08:09 AM, May 21, 2015
  • 3094

Track24 Defence has developed a new high capability, low price point, and security device, Shadow, as a part of AES256-encrypted consignment tracking solution.

Shadow is a cost effective consignment tracking solution that will help prevent millions of dollars of military equipment from going missing during transit. It is accessed through the cloud or via private servers.

The Shadow sends regular GEOTAG updates on cargo's position as well as telemetry on speed, temperature, humidity, and light levels with its digital and analogue I/Os.

Internal accelerometers switch on the unit when movement is detected, and it is designed to enable operators to perform 'health checks' on selected ISOs, and set up geofences to automatically update interested parties if cargo veers off course unexpectedly.

The Shadow's firmware can also be upgraded to adapt its use while in the field, providing real-time alerting on mission critical variables.

The device, in order to reduce risk of interference and service denial, extends its antennae to provide covert installation by enabling internal installation.

Track24 Defence's new consignment tracking solution was designed in collaboration with Swedish military ICT specialist MilDef Systems AB.

Giles Peeters, Track24 Defence's sector director and ex-MoD and NATO BLOS comms specialist said, “The consignment tracking solution is designed to meet the needs of the modern post-combat environment.

“High valued items go missing or get stolen during the complex process of moving military consignments around the world, in austere locations, well out of the reach of GPRS/GSM and radio networks. Militaries are prepared to unnecessarily write-off huge sums in lost kit." Peeters added.

Peeters said, "Most importantly though, ensuring consignments are in the right place at the right time is essential to operational success."

The Shadow uses Iridium's satellite short burst data service, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPRS/GSM (available Sept 2015) It features AES256, is RS232 compatible, and is available now via Track24 Defence and its distributors.

"Military consignment management is an ongoing operational requirement - it has the potential to save militaries millions of dollars and improve operational effectiveness", Peeters concludes.

The Shadow is based on the technology that led to Track24 Defence's 2012 IEEE Outstanding Technology Recognition Award win.

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