Russia Introduces New Gen Mine Layer At ARMY 2015

  • Our Bureau
  • 04:00 PM, June 26, 2015
  • 6524

Russia has unveiled its ‘Hell Machine’ new Generation Mine Layer at the recently wrapped up International Military-Technical Forum ARMY-2015.

Nick named as Hell Machine, the new Mine Layer UMZ-K is designed to remotely scatter anti-personnel, anti-paratrooper and anti-tank clustered mines over terrain.

The UMZ-K differs from its predecessor the UMZ layer, especially in its wheeled chassis, Sputnik International reported today. The new system is based on that of a KamAZ-63501 heavy utility truck unlike the UMZ that is mounted atop a ZIL-131B cargo truck chassis.

The KamAZ-63501 is a member of the Mustang family and one of the largest trucks in the KamAZ range. It is entirely conventional in design, a renewed version of the previous 8x8 heavy utility truck with an increased payload capacity of 15,000 kg.

The platform of the truck sits six multiple payload rotary launchers with fixed elevation mechanisms. In battle order the launchers are set upwards. The tilt angle is 50 degrees, while its horizontal coverage is 90 degrees.

The basic mine load is 180 clusters with antipersonnel mines (PFM) of 3,200 meters, antipersonnel mines (POM) of 5,000 meters and 600 meters’ antitank mines (PTM). The minefields it creates are 15 meters deep and 240 meters wide and the mine-laying speed is up to 40 km per hour.

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June 20, 2015 @ 11:24 AM