KRET To Develop Phased Array Antenna For Defense Using Photons

  • Our Bureau
  • 01:32 PM, July 30, 2015
  • 5540
KRET To Develop Phased Array Antenna For Defense Using Photons
KRET developing locators for airships (Image: KRET)

Russian KRET and foundation for advanced studies (FPI) are developing a phased array antenna on the principles radiofotoniki at an estimated cost of US$ 11.4 million (680 million rubles).

KRET plans to place the new system on airships and used in missile defense.

"We are right now with FPI major research work on the creation of a search of the antenna system on the principles of radiofotoniki", Vladimir Mikheev, adviser to the first deputy head of the TASS Concern said.

He emphasized that the antenna will be presented the latest within one to two years. "By 2020, we are planning to build on the principles of radar radiofotoniki", Mikheev said.

In the future, he said, the antenna system on the principles of radiofotoniki can be mounted on blimps and used in the missile defense system.

"No need to build a huge antenna on the ground, you can simply lift the antenna on a large enough height and look beyond the horizon" he said.

As previously reported, the state investment in the project development of the active phased array based radiofotoniki amount to 680 million rubles, KRET said in a statement Wednesday.

Radiofotonika is an analog electronics using photons instead of electrons, have no rest mass and charge. New guidelines will reduce the weight of the equipment by 1.5-3 times, increase 2-3 times its reliability and efficiency, as well as dozens of times to increase the scanning speed and resolution. Also radiophotons antennas will have a unique immunity to electromagnetic impulses that arise, such as nearby lightning strikes or when the solar magnetic storms.

All this will create broadband radars that the level of resolution and speed can be called a radar sight. Such systems are planned to be used in the civilian sphere, for example, high-speed trains for instant detection of obstacles on the roads.

Photonics can also be effectively used in the housing, for example, in urban and township heating systems. Instead of hot water energy photons will act. They will be distributed in photonic crystal fibers the thickness of a human hair, whose energy is converted into heat with nearly 100% efficiency.

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