Defense Security Service (DSS) Awards “Superior Security Rating” To Software AG

  • Our Bureau
  • 03:54 PM, August 10, 2015
  • 3126

Software AG has earned a Defense Security Service (DSS) “Superior Security Rating” from US Department of Defense full security vulnerability assessment at the facility.

DSS provides the military services, defense agencies, 30 federal agencies and approximately 13,500 contractor facilities with security support services for the protection of US and foreign information and technologies in the hands of industry, the company announced today.

In July, DSS completed an extensive review that encompassed a full security vulnerability assessment at the facility. The annual security assessment evaluates a company based on the standards set forth by the U.S. National Industrial Security Program (NISP).

According to the DSS, a “Superior” rating is reserved for contractors that consistently and fully implement the requirements of the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) in an effective fashion, resulting in a superior security posture, compared with other contractors of similar size and complexity.

The facility must have documented procedures that heighten the security awareness of employees and foster a spirit of cooperation within the security community. Less than 10 percent of approximately 13,500 facilities that the DSS oversees receive a Superior rating.

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