Submarine Procurement On Taiwan’s Priority List

  • Our Bureau
  • 10:17 AM, August 25, 2015
  • 2876
Submarine Procurement On Taiwan’s Priority List
Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou (Image:Digital Politics)

Submarines are on the priority list of weapon procurement as they can help protect the country’s marine territories, Defense Ministry Spokesperson said Monday.

The Ministry spokesperson Major General Luo Shou, a day after Taiwan’s president Ma Ying-jeou, said the country is committed to building its own submarines said that it (Taiwan) has not given up on the idea of buying submarines from the US.

“Taiwan is pursuing the expansion of its submarine fleet through two channels: continuing to seek arms sales from the United States and building submarines on its own,” Luo was quoted as saying by Want China Times Tuesday.

Taipei requested for submarines at the annual Taiwan-US defense industry conference each year and has never changed its thinking about purchasing arms from the US, Luo said.

“The idea has drawn the attention of industrial, academic and government sectors in the United States and triggered considerable discussion,” he said as for plans to have the submarines built locally are concerned.

The ministry will continue to promote the plan by integrating defense and diplomatic resources, and it hopes the US and other countries will cooperate with Taiwan to provide it with submarines as early as possible, Luo said.

President Ma said Sunday that Taiwan needs diesel-electric submarines rather than nuclear-powered vessels and has decided to build the type of subs it requires.

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