Russia Signs Spares Contract For Indian T-72 Tanks

  • Our Bureau
  • 12:54 PM, September 14, 2015
  • 4994
Russia Signs Spares Contract For Indian T-72 Tanks
Indian Army T-72 (Image:Wikipedia)

Russian Uralvagonzavod has signed a contract with India to supply spare parts for T-72 tank.

"For us, it's a small deal. But, for example, even the $ 10 million - it is twice more than we do at the exhibition (RAE) spent," Deputy General Director of Uralvagonzavod Alex Zharich was quoted as saying by Ria Novosti at the Russia Arms Expo RAE-2015 Monday.

He added that the term of the contract - two years. The amount of the contract is a few million dollars.

Ajeya MK1 and MK2 are Indian versions of the T-72M1 tanks bought off-the-shelf from the Soviet Union. 

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