Russia Offers Electronic Warfare System, Helicopters To Egypt For Mistral Warship

  • Our Bureau
  • 10:25 AM, October 8, 2015
  • 5774
Russia Offers Electronic Warfare System, Helicopters To Egypt For Mistral Warship

Russia has offered the 5P28 Pobeditel electronic warfare systems and the Kamov helicopters developed for the Mistral warship which France likely to sell to Egypt,  Sergey Chemezov, CEO of Rostec Corporation has said.

“If Egypt decides to acquire the Mistral helicopter warships, then of course we will offer them the helicopters that we developed just for this ship,” Chemezov said in a statement to TASS.

It was previously reported that France and Egypt have agreed on the terms to purchase the two Mistral ships built for the Russian Navy. Rostec holding companies, Concern Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET), and United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation (UIMC) have expressed their readiness to cooperate with the new buyers of French Mistral helicopter carriers.

KRET has offered to equip the Mistral ships with 5P28 Pobeditel electronic defense systems, which are installed on large ships such as aircraft carriers, helicopter carriers, and cruisers, greatly increasing the survivability of the ship.

United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation, another Rostec holding, which has developed communication and control systems for the Mistral, has agreed to adapt the Russian systems for Egypt.

According to UIMC representatives, the Russian equipment cannot be sold as is to the new ships, as it will be necessary to remove various blocks and software components from the communications and control systems.