First H145 Helicopter Delivered In Law Enforcement Configuration To German Police

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:38 AM, October 20, 2015
  • 2984
First H145 Helicopter Delivered In Law Enforcement Configuration To German Police
H145 aircraft

Air bus Helicopters has delivered the world’s first H145 helicopter in law enforcement configuration to German State Police of Baden-Württemberg.

The aircraft is the first of an order of six to be handed over to the launch customer, the company announced today.

As the new reference helicopter for law enforcement, the H145 features all-in-one capabilities: deployment of Special Forces units, VIP transport, external load, as well as observation and reconnaissance. It is equipped with a modern mission management system by Euroavionics that facilitates the multi-role capabilities in police missions.

The MMS, in combination with comprehensive connectivity options such as LTE and Wi-Fi, makes the aircraft the most modern police helicopter on the market.

Its primary surveillance mission is supported by forward-looking infrared (FLIR) and daylight cameras, controlled by an on-board operator who also handles communications and data exchange with ground-based police resources.

“Now entering service for law enforcement operations, the Police Baden Württemberg will be using the H145’s capabilities for its most challenging missions” explained Wolfgang Schoder, CEO of Airbus Helicopters in Germany.

The H145 is the latest member of its family, incorporating new Arriel 2E engines and the company’s Fenestron shrouded tail rotor, along with upgraded main and tail rotor gearboxes, as well as the innovative digital avionics suite Helionix with 4-axis autopilot.

The federal-state police of Baden-Württemberg currently have a fleet of two EC155 and six MD902, which is to be succeeded by the H145. Police forces throughout the country will soon be operating an all-Airbus Helicopters rotorcraft fleet.

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