Selex EX Laser Anti-collision System Installed On Italian NH90 Helicopters

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:54 AM, October 23, 2015
  • 5417

The first laser based anti-collision LOAM (Laser Obstacle Avoidance and Monitoring) system for helicopters has been installed aboard a NH90 TTH, recently delivered to the Italian Ministry of Defense.

The Selex ES-made LOAM navigation aids for helicopters is able to report any type of obstacle including very thin ones such as  such as electrical cables, cables to lift or pillars, giving the crew time to change altitude or direction.

Thanks to LOAM, the ability of situational awareness of the pilot, is significantly increased especially in situations of reduced visibility, ensuring a level of security especially in low-altitude flight.

For the NH90 helicopter in service with the Italian Armed Forces, in addition to LOAM, Selex ES produces equipment for communication, navigation and information (Communication, Navigation and Information - CNI), radar and mission systems.

The NATO NH90 is currently the largest European helicopter program, to support NAHEMA (NATO Helicopter Management Agency) and the service of the armed forces of many countries, members of the alliance.

Finmeccanica-AgustaWestland , as a member of the consortium with the participation NHIndustries Helicopters also Airbus and Fokker, is involved in the production, assembly and logistic support of helicopters, in Italy are assembled at the AgustaWestland Marco Polo site.