Russia, Germany To Jointly Develop Mine-Detection Devices

  • Our Bureau
  • 08:28 AM, November 20, 2015
  • 2506

Russia and Germany are eyeing to jointly develop mine-detecting devices,

ussian UTTA protection group is tying up with German Ebinger for the development of minie detection equipment, UTTA Protection Group CEO Vladimir Tkatch was quoted as saying by Sputnik during the Milipol-2015 exhibition Thursday.

"There was a very interesting contact with the German firm Ebinger. There is a specific offer for a joint development of mine detection equipment. We agreed that in the middle of the coming year when we would get the experimental results, we would communicate and clarify mutual technical position to manufacture a joint device," Tkatch stated at the Milipol-2015 exhibition in Paris.

He refused to specify the device’s characteristics not to cause "competitors any trouble."

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