Thales Test Fires Laser Guided Missile Developed Onboard Rooivalk Helicopter

  • Our Burea
  • 10:49 AM, November 30, 2015
  • 7801
Thales Test Fires Laser Guided Missile Developed Onboard Rooivalk Helicopter
FZ275LGR rocket in test firing

Thales has completed a test firing of the 70 mm laser-guided rocket, onboard Rooivalk helicopter in service with the South African Air Force (SAAF).

The test firings of the new FZ275LGR rocket, being developed by Forges de Zeebrugge (FZ), were conducted in South Africa in late October, the company announced Friday.

The Semi-Active Laser (SAL) Guided Rocket has a precision to within 1 metre. The new guided air-ground rocket has improved target engagement capabilities while reducing platform vulnerability.

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