Fulcrum Wins $168 To Support JIDO’s Global Situational Awareness Mission

  • Our Bureau
  • 07:40 AM, November 29, 2016
  • 2695
Fulcrum Wins $168 To Support JIDO’s Global Situational Awareness Mission
US Defense Threat Reduction Agency

Fulcrum IT Services has been awarded a $168 million contract to provide the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (JIDO) with strategic planning, research, analysis, and training services in support of JIDO’s Global Situational Awareness (Global SA) and Communities of Action (CoA) missions. 

The Global SA task order will provide JIDO, the intelligence community, military service partner organizations, and other Department of Defense (DoD)/federal agencies with professional services that sense, research, and analyze the global operational environment to enhance combatant commands’ ability to combat improvised threats to the warfighter and partner organizations through advanced situational awareness services and training.

The task order also provides JIDO with support to influence strategy, plans and policy associated with countering improvised threats by leveraging broad  CoA that include DoD, U..S. government agencies, key partners and allies, academia, and the private sector.

The task order provides a key component for JIDO’s mission to enable DoD actions to counter improvised threats with tactical responsiveness and through anticipatory, rapid acquisition in support of combatant commands’ efforts to prepare for, and adapt to, battlefield surprise in support of counter-terrorism, counter-insurgency, and other related mission areas including counter-improvised explosive device.  Work will be performed in Virginia and the National Capital Region.

The expected completion date is Nov. 30, 2021.

It is part of the JIDO Enterprise Acquisition Strategy Initiative which is intended to meet current and evolving mission requirements; comply with acquisition laws, regulations, and policies; and improve mission effectiveness, output, and organizational synergy.

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