China Upgrades Shenzen Missile Destroyer With Vertical Launch System, Stealth Capability

  • Our Bureau
  • 10:11 AM, February 23, 2017
  • 4993
China Upgrades Shenzen Missile Destroyer With Vertical Launch System, Stealth Capability
Guided missle destroyer Shenzhen

China has upgraded its CNS Shenzen destroyer with a vertical launch system which will enable the ship to carry a larger missile load besides changes to its superstructure intended to reduce its radar signature.

Besides, its four 37-mm two-barrel anti-aircraft guns have been replaced with two close-in weapon systems, whose faster rate of fire increases the vessel's survivability against incoming missiles.

The radars and sonar systems on the ship were also upgraded to enhance its capabilities in terms of reconnaissance, detection and monitoring, Cao Weidong, a researcher at the PLA Naval Military Studies Research Institute was quoted as saying by state-owned Chinamil website.

The website also quoted Fang Bing, a weapon expert from PLA National Defense University, as stating that the modifications on the Shenzhen's masts and superstructure would reduce its radar signature, thus give it stealth capability.

One of the most powerful battleships in the Chinese naval fleet, the Shenzhen started a major upgrade of its weapons and electronics systems in 2014.

It was recently spotted at a naval base of the South Sea Fleet with new weapons and a streamlined superstructure, indicating it has finished the modernization work, the website said quoting Peoples’ Daily.

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