Soldiers Learn Electronic Warfare Skills in Eastern Baghdad

  • (Source: US Department of Defense)
  • 12:00 AM, November 7, 2008
  • 2784
FORWARD OPERATING BASE RUSTAMIYAH, Iraq --- Selected soldiers assigned to the 10th Mountain Divisions 4th Brigade Combat Team and Multinational Division Baghdad received electronic warfare training here.>> Electronic warfare applies the radio frequency spectrum to defeat an enemy and save lives on the battlefield. Improvised explosive devices are the biggest threat to coalition and Iraqi forces, and defeating that threat is the biggest concern for leaders, explained Navy Lt. Christopher Winters, the 4th Infantry Divisions electronic warfare training officer from Waterville, Maine.>> Though military electronic warfare specialists are in the Air Force or the Navy, the Army soon will offer the career field to soldiers.>> This is something the Army needs to be concerned about, said Air Force Maj. Jason Eckberg, an electronic warfare officer for Multinational Division Baghdad, who hails from Las Vegas.>> The Army will add electronic warfare specialist to its collection of military occupational specialties in 2010, he said, adding that the soldiers attending the here will be among the first to attain the new MOS.>> This job offers the soldiers a sense of pride; it is a very important to them, Eckberg said. The most important factor of this job is the care and maintenance of the equipment. The components of the counter-IED systems are extremely intricate and must be cared for by trained personnel.>> Eckberg said training soldiers at the lowest possible level ensures mission stability and offers leaders the capability to assign the responsibility to the company level.