ATK Wins Technical Support Contract For Trident I Missile

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:22 AM, March 30, 2017
  • 5048
ATK Wins Technical Support Contract For Trident I Missile
ATK Wins Technical Support Contract For Trident I Missile

ATK Launch Systems has received a $48.2 million Missile Defense Agency contract to provide technical support for rocket motors including for the Trident I (C4) and the Orion spacecraft.

“ATK Launch Systems Inc., Magna, Utah, is being awarded a $48,247,398… contract,” the release stated on Wednesday. “[T]he contractor will provide technical support for all stages of government furnished property (GFP), rocket motors (Trident I (C4), Castor IVA/IVB, Orion, and Orbus 1/1A),” , the Department of Defense said in a press release Wednesday.

ATK will be responsible for motor refurbishment, technical support, and component testing, among other services, according to the release.

The five year contract will be completed in March 2022, the announcement added.

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