Beijing University Promoted Firm Develops Missile-carrying Drone

  • Our Bureau
  • 08:42 AM, April 7, 2017
  • 3149
Beijing University Promoted Firm Develops Missile-carrying Drone
File photo of BZK-005 high-altitude, long-range reconnaissance drone.

A new combat/reconnaissance drone, TYW-1, developed by Beihang University in Beijing  will mark its maiden flight in September this year and be offered for sale in Asia and the Middle East.

It is based on the BZK-005 high-altitude, long-range reconnaissance drone, which the university also developed.The BZK-005 is widely used by the People's Liberation Army and has performed many operations, foreign media have reported.

According to Wang Jianping, deputy general manager and chief designer at Beihang Unmanned Aircraft System Technology a firm set up by Beihang University to develop and market drones, "we aim to tap the markets in neighboring nations, as well as in Southeast Asia and the Middle East," Wang said in an exclusive interview to state-owned Chinamil website.

"Taking advantage of the good design of the BZK-005, the TYW-1 will be able to fly for about 40 hours. With a maximum takeoff weight of 1,500 kilograms, it will be capable of carrying six missiles or bombs with a total weight of 300 kg," Wang was reported as saying.

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