China Develops Ultrafast Anti-Missile Interceptor

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:38 AM, May 27, 2017
  • 7816
China Develops Ultrafast Anti-Missile Interceptor
interceptor missile (image for representation)

China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp (CASIC) has developed a new ultra-fast anti-missile interceptor capable of intercepting an incoming projectile flying 10 times faster than a bullet.

CASIC was quoted as saying by China Daily Saturday that its Second Academy in Beijing has made a "new-generation aerospace defense missile" that incorporates top space technologies, and which it describes as one of the cornerstones of a world power's strategic prowess.

The interceptor is capable of bringing down targets tens of kilometers above the ground that fly 10 times faster than a bullet, the company said.

Although the introduction published by the company did not specify the anti-missile interceptor's capabilities, experts said the descriptions "tens of kilometers" and "10 times faster than a bullet" indicate its range should be from 10 km to 100 km and its minimum velocity around 12,000 km/h — a typical bullet used by a handgun, the slowest of all bullets, normally travels about 1,200 km/h.

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