PHOENIX 2008: Program Demo for French Army Future Land Combat Systems

  • (Source: Sagem Défense & Sécurit&ea
  • 12:00 AM, November 28, 2008
  • 2560
PARIS --- The Phoenix 2008 demo took place from October 1-10 at the Mourmelon camp in conjunction with Digitized Battlefield exercises by the French Army 6th Light Infantry Brigade. The demonstration was organized by systems manufacturers, the French defense procurement agency DGA and the French Army Technical unit (STAT).>> Phoenix 2008 experiments the use of future systems and equipment designed for the French Army within the context of a short time loop design, development and experimentation (CD&E) initiative.>> Designed for deployment by a joint forces company-size combat unit, Phoenix 2008 implements innovations in seven areas: experimentation and simulation, maneuver command, surveillance, firing beyond the line of sight, contact support, on-vehicle combat and tactical telecommunications.>> Several different networked combat systems were deployed: combat vehicles (upgraded AMX 10 RC reconnaissance vehicle, digitized VAB armored vehicle, Petit Vhicule Protg light armored vehicle, Sherpa III), along with a FELIN-equipped infantry combat group, DRAC drones, image and electromagnetic sensors, regiment information systems and terminals, and new-generation tactical transmission systems. The latter included the FlexNet broadband software radio, used for the first time in a demo in Europe. Phoenix also provides for use of precision armaments: the 2R2M mortar, Milan ADT ER and Land Combat Missile.>> These capabilities were integrated with new command and information sharing concepts enabling faster situation awareness to make the right decisions to engage hostile forces under optimum conditions.