KBR Wins Australia’s Future Submarine Construction Yard Concept Design Contract

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:46 AM, March 20, 2018
  • 4910
KBR Wins Australia’s Future Submarine Construction Yard Concept Design Contract
KBR Wins Australia’s Future Submarine Construction Yard Concept Design Contract

Naval Group Australia has partnered with US engineering services group KBR to assist with the concept design of the proposed Future Submarine (SEA1000) construction yard at the Osborne Naval Shipbuilding precinct in South Australia.

The Australian Department of Defence (DoD) announced on 19 March that this contract, worth around $7 million, will employ 100 of South Australian staff on the concept design of the Future Submarine Construction Yard.

Minister for Defence Industry, Christopher Pyne said the Future Submarine Construction Yard would sit alongside the surface shipyard, which will deliver the Royal Australian Navy’s Future Frigates.

“KBR has extensive experience in this field and it’s great they have partnered with Naval Group Australia to complete the concept design for the state of the art construction yard where our Future Submarine fleet will be built,” Minister Pyne said.

The design will include the facilities and infrastructure required to construct a fleet of twelve regionally superior Future Submarines for the Royal Australian Navy. The design of the Future Submarine Construction Yard will continue throughout 2018.

A team of KBR and Naval Group Australia engineers will undertake design workshops within Australia and France in February 2018 to inform the concept design and facilitate knowledge transfer. The team will draw on Naval Group’s international experience as a reference point for Australia’s Future Submarine yard.

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