NATO Deploys Israeli Unmanned Vessel during Anti-submarine Warfare Exercise

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:19 AM, June 20, 2018
  • 4467
NATO Deploys Israeli Unmanned Vessel during Anti-submarine Warfare Exercise
Seagull USV (Image: Elbit Systems)

NATO forces in a recent Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) exercise deployed Elbit Systems’ Seagull Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV).

The ASW force included the Spanish Navy’s Santa Maria-class frigate “Victoria”, the Royal Navy’s Type-45 HMS Duncan as well as the Seagull USV, Elbit said in a statement Sunday.

Having a far greater endurance than ASW helicopters often used in similar missions, the Seagull USV performed anti-submarine area sanitization as well as the ASW forward picket force, providing longer time on station, yielding detection and contact maintenance capabilities.

In addition to its ASW capabilities, the Seagull features a plug and play, modular mission payload suite and can perform Mine Counter Measures (MCM) missions, Electronic Warfare (EW), Maritime Security (MS), Hydrography and other missions using the same vessel, a mission control system and data links.

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