Iranian F-4 Training Jet Crashes In Southeast Iran

  • Our Bureau
  • 08:55 AM, July 12, 2018
  • 5144
Iranian F-4 Training Jet Crashes In Southeast Iran
Iranian F-4 Training Jet Crashes In Southeast Iran. Source:

A training jet of Iran’s Air Force crashed in the southeastern region of Iran, injuring two on Wednesday, local media reports.

The Air Force said in a statement that an F-4 training jet has crashed near the city of Sarbaz, around 300 km south of provincial capital Zahedan during a training mission. The statement added that the two pilots safely ejected before the crash.

A local medical official from the city of Chabahar told Tasnim news agency that the jet crashed in a mountainous area at around 10:15 am local time, injuring the pilots, one to his leg and the other to his neck.

According to the Iranian Students’ News Agency (ISNA), the Iranian fighter jet crashed due to a technical malfunction.

The F-4D is a special version of fighter jet tasked with air to air interception duties. In addition to the AIM-7 Sparrow and AIM-9 Sidewinder, the F-4D was also capable of firing the Falcon missile. Also, F-4Ds were the first aircraft to use laser-guided munitions carrying GBU-1O/B Mk 84 Laser guided bombs in May 1968.

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