TEWKSBURY, Mass. --- Raytheon Company's integrated undersea warfare combat system for the Zumwalt-class destroyer recently received its official U.S. Navy nomenclature, AN/SQQ-90.>> Raytheon's SQQ-90 represents the U.S. Navy's next-generation undersea warfighting capability. The tactical sonar suite is composed of new integrated system capabilities, including the hull-mounted mid-frequency sonar (AN/SQS-60), the hull-mounted high-frequency sonar (AN/SQS-61), and the multi-function towed array sonar and handling system (AN/SQR-20). These systems provide unique mission capabilities and are fully integrated with the MH-60R helicopter's combat system to deliver broad warfighting coverage for the Zumwalt-class destroyer.>> "This is an exciting development for the Zumwalt team because it confirms the maturity and readiness of Zumwalt's integrated undersea warfare combat system," said Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems' Robert Martin, vice president and deputy of Seapower Capability Systems. "The SQQ-90 will provide the sophisticated and reliable undersea warfare capabilities that our warfighters need and depend on.">> Through the use of automation and unique information management, Zumwalt's undersea warfare combat system can be operated by one-third the crew of current Aegis-class anti-submarine warfare platforms. When combined with the entire Zumwalt open architecture combat system and multi-sensor capabilities, the SQQ-90 will provide the U.S. Navy with the most advanced integrated undersea warfare system in the world, bringing superior operational performance in both the littorals and the open ocean against a multitude of targets, including mines and quiet diesel submarines.