SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. --- This past June, I issued a call for all AMC personnel to "return to basics," and I thank you for the renewed attention you've given to our core values and our mobility mission while restoring the Air Force's good name with your daily, outstanding mission accomplishment.>> Today, we build on that focus.>> As you may know, Air Force officials recently refined and expanded the focus areas, adding two to cover the nuclear enterprise and our acquisition efforts.>> Our command's new mission statement -- Provide global air mobility ... right effects, right place, right time -- now more closely aligns with the Air Force's new mission statement -- To fly, fight and win ... in air, space and cyberspace -- and better illustrates the effects of the wide range of AMC missions.>> The fact is, the AMC mission often produces intangible deliverables that weren't captured in the command's previous mission statement.>> The headquarters staff, AMC commanders and I have worked closely to refine the AMC focus to directly support the Air Force. AMC's five new focus areas, all to be treated equally in value, are:>> --Win Today's Fight as Part of the Joint/Coalition Force> --Develop and Care for our Airmen and Families> --Enhance Nuclear Mission Support> --Optimize Mobility Partnerships; and> --Prepare Mobility Forces for the Future>> It is very important that you understand how you and your unit's mission support the AMC and Air Force priorities. Each of you and your units are vital to Air Mobility Command's mission to Provide Global Air Mobility - The right effect at the right place at the right time.