Tiny Chinese Drones Can 'Swarm' Attack with Mortars, Grenades, Machine guns

  • Our Bureau
  • 04:50 PM, May 9, 2019
  • 14991
Tiny Chinese Drones Can 'Swarm' Attack with Mortars, Grenades, Machine guns
Helicopter drones capable of launching coordinated swarm attacks

Tiny helicopter drones developed by China equipped with mortars, grenade launchers and machine guns can be programmed to launch swarm attacks against enemy targets, Chinese media have revealed.

The drone  developed by Guangdong-based Zhuhai Ziyan UAV company, can form swarms and engage in coordinated strikes, Global Times reported quoting a company statement Thursday.

The intelligent swarming attack technology enables as many as 10 unmanned helicopter drones to autonomously form up into a swarm.

The swarm then finds its way to reach the target without colliding with each other. Once they receive an order to attack, they will engage the target autonomously in a coordinated manner. 

Upon finishing a mission, the system will lead the drones back to base and land automatically.

The operator need not expose himself as the drones can easily be controlled remotely, the company said.

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