Russian Illyushin to Deliver Beriev Amphibious Aircraft to US, Chilean Customers

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:28 AM, June 18, 2019
  • 3751
Russian Illyushin to Deliver Beriev Amphibious Aircraft to US, Chilean Customers

Russian Illyushin to Deliver Beriev Amphibious Aircraft to US, Chilean Customers

Russia’s Beriev Be-200 amphibious aircraft have been ordered by the AMerican firm Seaplane Global Air Services, and Chile at the Paris Air Show 2019 being held in the French city of Le Bourget.

Deliveries of the aircraft are scheduled to take place in 2020-2021.

"We have agreed, and we have signed documents. The deliveries will commence in 15 months after the financing starts. I think the financing will come in September,” Yuri Grudinin, the CEO of Ilyushin, said on Tuesday.

The US firm contracted Ilyushin in late 2018 for four firm Be-200 aircraft and six options to perform firefighting missions. Chile also placed an order for the five Russian aircraft last year.

An initial pair of Be-200s will be delivered with Ivchenko-Progress D-436TP engines, while the remainder will be equipped with SaM146s from NPO Saturn-Safran joint venture PowerJet, according to FlightGlobal report published last September.

"Today, we signed a deal with Chile to deliver two more aircraft. We had a contract for five aircraft, and now at their request we added two more aircraft… We will deliver them in 2020, we will definitely deliver them next year,” Grudinin said at the event.

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