Wounded Warrior Kicks Off New Armor for Humvee

  • (Source: US Army)
  • 12:00 AM, January 6, 2009
  • 4009
SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Master Sgt. Jeffrey Mittman was the guest of honor at the Product Manager, Light Tactical Vehicles kick-off event for Fragmentation Kit Seven (FRAG 7), the latest Overhead Armor protection for the Army's work horse, the M-1151 Up-Armored Humvee.>> This latest armor follows up the successful Fragmentation Kit Five (FRAG 5) fielding which began over two years ago.>> Mittman was wounded by an improvised explosive device on July 7, 2005, while assisting an Iraqi Public Order Brigade in Central Baghdad as a member of the Special Police Transition Team. Since that day, he has worked to recover from the injuries he sustained. A seasoned infantry veteran of Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom, and Iraqi Freedom, Mittman has seen the Humvee evolve from a soft-skinned vehicle to an armor platform that has saved countless lives.>> "I have watched as the Humvee has evolved into a vehicle that is capable of protecting soldiers on an ever changing battlefield," said Mittman.>> The event kicked off with a plant tour of the packaging facility, where AM General representatives showcased the FRAG 7 facility and the workers who ensure that all kits are defect free and packaged correctly.>> "TACOM and AM General mutually agreed to a rigorous ten-month time schedule for assembling, delivering and installing these roof appliqu kits in theater," said Robert Gula, President, AM General Defense. "We will take pride in meeting the government's expectations to deliver these kits in their entirety and on time.">> FRAG 7 includes the Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center developed Overhead Cover, which provides the overhead protection along with the capability for the gunner to view the battlefield through transparent armored glass. The jointly designed Government and AM General Roof Appliqu is also included to shield occupants from overhead threats.